Impossible Rescue
Detailed Info
Team Role: Producer / Level Designer
Platform: PC
Tools Used (Producer): Trello, Excel Spreadsheets
Tools Used (Designer): Unreal Engine 4 Editor & Visual Scripting (Blueprints)
Duration: 2 Months
Team Size: 6
1 Producer/Level Designer
2 Game Designers
2 3D Enviroment Artists
1 Sound Designer
Impossible Rescue was a small entry project to the BCU Gamercamp Project. Spanning over Two Modules we as a small development design and created from the ground up the project you see above. While we were given a Stakeholders brief to work with the finer details of exactly how they would function within a game setting was down to the Designers. On the Production side managing a small team of 6 was done through the Agile Methodolody. Sprint by Sprint we would come together as a team and dicuss what we should be aiming for the next Stakeholder Review.
I was responsible as the Producer to keep the Stakeholders informed of our decisions and the progress we had throughout both Modules. I was also tasked with ensuring that the team were working efficiently together. That included ensuring that everyone knew exactly what was expected from them each sprint and communcation within the team allowed for efficient problem solving.
My Design roles for this Project were intially a Level designer. Due to time Constraints the levels I had designed did not make it into the final game however I also worked on the Sound Implementation from our Sound Designer. The Sound Designer for this team was outsourced therefore from them we recieved audio files only thus it became my job to take those files and implement them within the game in a convincing manner that assisted the gameplay the other Designers had created.
Alongside the Gameplay audio I was also tasked with designing, writing and implementing the Dialogue system that helps the player by informing them of gameplay mechancis as well as giving some context related to the Narrative of the game. The entire system was made through the Unreal Engine Visual Scripting and Excel. The Game would load an Excel Spreadsheet on launch that held all dialogue lines within the game linked to thier voice acting files and once called within the game it would play the audio file and displa th test on the screen.